Administrative Assistant

Cindy Carr

“They probably had to kick me out.”

Cindy is referring to her volunteer work at Lakeridge Health, the hospital across the street from her childhood home in Oshawa. As a teenager, she was a candy striper. She would do two or three shifts in a single day – helping the nurses, making sure patients were comfortable, helping them into chairs, holding babies. 

“I loved absolutely everything about it. It was amazing. Just helping people.”

It was an early commitment to going above and beyond that has been a constant thread through her life. While doing bookkeeping, accounting and tax returns for 30 years at a public accounting firm, for example (“I’m not a quitter,” she says, in rather an understatement). And then when running a financial services firm in which Mark Bull had a 50% interest. When Mark sold his shares, Cindy jokingly asked him for a reference. Mark’s reply was to hire her instead. 

And so she has been bookkeeper for Bull Financial since 2016. A mother of two and doting grandmother of two, she knits, has a golden doodle, and plays cards every week.

And she enjoys an evening out. Along with a belief in helping others, she has another philosophy that helps her fit in perfectly with Mark Bull and team: “There’s no point in going to a social event if you’re not going to have a good time.”

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