Two miracles

By Mark Bull, MFA-P, CLU, CFP, CHS, CEA
President, Bull Financial

Welcome to the April edition of The Bulletin! This month, we have some very special videos in which I interview our very own Alanna Purcell about her brother and sister – who faced life-threatening liver failure and a brain tumour, respectively, just days apart.

Because Alanna was Power of Attorney for both her siblings, she was able to advocate forcefully for them while they were incapacitated. Doctors have told Alanna that her advocacy did nothing short of saving her brother’s life.

Click below to watch a single video of my full interview with Alanna, or watch some shorter clips.

Here is the full interview:

And here are the shorter clips:

Mark Bull, MFA-P, CLU, CFP, CHS, CEA
President, Bull Financial

This is a general guide only and is not intended to replace professional financial and tax advice in any form. Please consult a professional financial advisor on how it relates to your situation. The information provided here is accurate as of the date of publication.

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